Beauty Center

All About Aqualyx for Intralipotherapy

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Intralipotherapy with AQUALYX is an innovative, effective method of non-surgical liposuction. The process of destruction of local fatty deposits with the help of lipolytics occurs quickly and does not require rehabilitation therapy.

In the human body, in the subcutaneous fat, there are local fat accumulations, which are extremely difficult to reduce by conventional methods – dietary nutrition, massage, sports loads. It’s all about a dense, restrictive shell – a protective capsule.

When injected, AQUALIX penetrates the subcutaneous fat and has a targeted effect on the fat capsules, destroying their shell. The drug is injected with a special flexible and sharp needle. Due to its flexibility, the needle is able to rotate inside the skin, evenly distributing the substance in different directions from the point of injection. This method allows you to cover a large area of deposits with a minimum number of injections and significantly reduce the duration of the procedure.


The main active ingredient in AQUALIX is sodium salt (sodium deoxycholate), which is 100% compatible with deoxycholic acid produced by the human body. As an auxiliary substance, the lipolytic contains a three-dimensional polymer of galactose, which is also synthesized in the human liver.


Lipolytic is not aimed at overall weight loss, but is aimed at combating fat deposits in specific areas of the body. Buy Aqualyx online to change your body.  Intralipotherapy can be used to model the contours:

  • neck – “double chin”;
  • cheeks;
  • backs – sides and folds;
  • belly;
  • hips – zone “breeches”;
  • patellar zones;
  • arms – shoulder area.


Common contraindications for intralipotherapy are:

  • Pregnancy and lactation.
  • Inflammatory processes in the acute phase.
  • Chronic diseases.
  • Autoimmune disorders.
  • Pathology of the heart and circulatory system.
  • Diabetes mellitus of the second and first types.
  • Disruption of the liver and kidneys.
  • Individual intolerance to the components of the drug.
  • It is not recommended to use injections in places with a large congestion of blood vessels.


The main advantages of intralipotherapy with AQUALYX are:

  1. Security. Due to the correspondence of the component of the drug to the substances produced by the body itself, the immune system does not perceive it as a hostile environment. The non-toxic solution in sterile vials is completely removed from the body after a while.
  2. Strict localization. Dosed administration of the solution provides a local effect on the selected areas, without interfering with neighboring areas of the body.
  3. Minimal trauma. Due to the flexible needle – atraumatic cannula and extensive impact on the injection area, there is no need to carry out more than 3-4 injections in the selected area.
  4. Lack of preparation and post-processing. The drug does not require preparation of the treated area, the introduction of anesthesia.
  5. AQUALIX is a universal product: suitable for both men and women. The drug begins to act immediately and continues to produce an effect for 2-4 weeks from the moment of administration. The required course is prescribed by the doctor, as a rule, the drug is injected once every 3 weeks so you can order fillers online easily.


As a result of non-surgical liposuction:

  • The local volume of the subcutaneous fat pack decreases.
  • The curves of the body become more pronounced.
  • The skin is tightened and looks healthy and well-groomed.
  • Cellulite is smoothed out.

To enhance the positive effect of AQUALYX, it is recommended to carry out sessions of pressotherapy, myostimulation, cavitation and various types of massage between intralipotherapy sessions.